God and Hereafter

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Corresponding Wikipedia articles: God, Underworld

The ancient people believed in the existence of spirits, which animate the people and the forces of nature. The shamans, healers and magicans carried out the spiritualist contacts and were the first priests.

The ancient human loved the life and what gave it:

  • Parents and ancestors, which he tends to deify. The sculptures of thick or pregnant (life-giving) women were made 45 thousand years ago. «Zarni An» («Golden Woman») of the North Siberian peoples is an example of an ancient cult, which is preserved to the modern times.
  • Elements of nature (sun, air, water) were animated and deified.

The ancient Egyptian words "neter" (a god) and "nefer" (a beauty) sound similar to each other. The ancient Egyptians and also the Greeks associate the divine with beauty and harmony.

Slavonic (Russian) words Germanic words
Tribe Rod (Slavonic god) Goths (German: Goten) is a pronunciation of word "Rod"
God BoG God (German: Gott)
Goodness BlaGo (Sanskrit: bhaga) good (German: gut)
Monotheism in the nature
... beautiful butterfly ...

The human tends to believe in the existence of Almighty Creator, who made the world and the human. The world creation usually implies the separation of its components from a certain primary entity, which contains everything. The scientific theory of Big Bang emerged because of this belief. The humanity in this case is considered as the children and/or the slaves of this creator, resembling a colony of the social insects under control of their queen-mother, who knows everything for everyone.

Semitic names of gods and deities
Hebrew Arabic English Comments
Elohim Allah Lord This is used in Bible and Quran in the plural (ending "-im" in Hebrew), denoting the ancient semitic gods "El", which is derived from the Babylonian "ilu".
Yahweh Lord,
Tribal Jewish god. The pronouncing of the sacred God’s name Yahweh is prohibited as well as the portraying of God. This name is derived from an imaginary Egyptian moon god Yah (see "Judaism"). The word "Hallelujah" stands for the "praise to Yahweh" in Hebrew.
Adonai The spoken name of the Jewish tribal god, which is derived from a single Egyptian god Aton.
Zebaoth Jewish god of war.
Baal Wales, Welles The Aryan deity Vala associated with a cattle. Baal is a pagan Jewish god. Also a Jewish demon Beelzebub is a lord of the flies (which accompany a cattle).
Moloch (king) The Assyrian and the ancient Jewish god, who demands the human sacrifices especially children.

The Christian term "devil" and the Zoroastrian/Muslim term “daeva" refers to the Aryan pagan deity ("deva") as an opponent of the Semitic god.

Consonant words, which denote God and Devil in the Indo-European languages
Sanskrit Latin Greek German English
deva diabolus diabolos teufel devil
(French: dieu,
Spanish: dios)
theos deity
divya divines theios divine

The scheme of major religions based on the A. V. Kashanskiy ideas [1] (the original political colors are changed):

Materialsim Trinitarianism Basic religions Branches Description
Human Heaven
Judaism Judaism,
Catholicism, Protestantism
Jewish shamanism, money
Addendums to Judaism
(Christianity, Islam)
Islam One impersonal God
Human Atheism Orthodoxy One personal God
Communism, Nazism Human is the master of heaven and earth
Earth Earth
Hinduism Hinduism Vedas
Paganism Paganism Myths
Shamanism, Taoism Rites

Buddhism within this scheme has a white color, as an extension of the yellow Hinduism and the comprehensive doctrine.


  1. Кашанский А.В. Россия 2015-2044. Путь к Белому царству, М.: АСТ Восток – Запад, 2006

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