Time and gravity

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Corresponding Wikipedia article: Gravitational redshift

The gravitational rarefaction of aether proportionally increases the electromagnetic amers concentration. The material particles seem to support each other, gaining an additional energy. The equations for the energy ("Mass and inertia", 11) and for the 2nd Newton's law ("Mass and inertia", 13) with a gravitational correction \(z\) have the following form: \[E=mc^2(1+z)+\frac{mv^2}{2}(1+z)+\dotsc\tag{1}\] \[\mathbf{\overrightarrow{F}}=m\mathbf{\overrightarrow{a}}(1+z)\tag{2}\] \[z\approx\frac{GM}{c^2R}\] The additional energy slows down the dynamics. This is called the "time dilation" in terms of the GR, and this is observed in the following gravitational effects:

  • Red shift of the radiation spectrum (see "Atom").
  • Extending the particle half-life due to increase in their energy similarly to the relativistic particles.
  • Deceleration of the star birth, because the particles get smaller acceleration by the same forces and decay slowly.

The radial nature of the gravity and of the "time dilation" is proven experimentally [1].


  1. В.С. Казачок, О.Б. Хаврошкин, В.В. Цыплаков, Поведение атомного и механического осцилляторов во время солнечного затмения.

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