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Diamond. Each carbon tetrahedron is connected with four adjacent carbon atoms without any deformation of the tetrahedron. The mechanical stresses are uniformly distributed over the monolithic durable crystal.

Graphite. Each carbon tetrahedron is connected with three adjacent carbon atoms, and the fourth electron provides the conductivity. The atoms are shaping the hexagonal planar layers, where the angles between the bonds are aligned from 135° to 120°, balancing the atomic repulsion forces. These layers are weakly bound by the conduction electrons.

Aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, etc.). Each carbon tetrahedron is connected by its three vertices with two adjacent carbon atoms, and the fourth vertex is connected with a hydrogen or with an adjacent carbon atom. The angles between the bonds of a hexagonal cell are aligned from 135° to 120°, balancing the atomic repulsion forces. The combustion eliminates this deformation and releases a high energy.

Ammonia. The Nitrogen tetrahedron by its three vertices is connected to three hydrogen atoms, and the fourth vertex contains two electrons. The ammonia is easily converted into the ammonium by connecting a hydrogen nucleus to the fourth vertex.

Nitric acid, nitrates, TNT, nitroglycerine, RDX. The nitrogen atoms possess the irregularly shaped shell with a valence of 5, which is binding with an oxygen and other elements. These substances are unstable and explosive.

Phosphoric acid, phosphates, ATP. The phosphorus atoms possess the irregularly shaped shell with a valence of 5, which is binding with an oxygen. These substances have a high potential energy, but less than the nitrogen compounds, because the area of theirs shells is larger and the electron repulsion forces are weaker.

Sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and сернистый. The sulfur atoms possess the irregularly shaped shell with a valence of 4 or 6, which is binding with an oxygen. These substances very easily react, having also a high electronegativity of their elements.

Ozone. One of the oxygen atoms possess the irregularly shaped shell with a valence of 4, which is binding two usual oxygen atoms. This molecule is unstable.

Water. The oxygen tetrahedron is connected to the hydrogen atoms by its two vertices, and the remaining two vertices are shaping a polar molecule (electrical dipole), which produces the weak intermolecular bonds called the hydrogen bonds. The molecular angle is less than 135° for 30,5° because the electron charge is neutralized by a hydrogen. The oxygen tetrahedron provides a hexagonal shape of the water crystals.

Quartz. Each silicon tetrahedron is connected to four oxygen atoms, which in turn are connected to other silicon atoms. The silicon and oxygen tetrahedrons provide a hexagonal crystal shape.

The organic matter of the living beings is based on the six elements of 2nd and 3rd periods from the groups 4…6. The molecular shapes exist in a 3-dimensional space. The spatial dimensionality much more than 3 is not compatible with life.

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