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Corresponding Wikipedia article: Rus'


Rus’ in a broad sense is the land of (white) "race" in the northern Eurasia. The root "rus/ras" encounters in the geographical and ethnic names, which are not directly related to Russia:

  • Ruotsi is a Finnish name for Sweden.
  • Prussia is a region in the Europe.
  • Raška is a medieval name for Serbia.
  • Rasenna is a selfname of the Etruscans.
  • Persia is perhaps "Porussia" (beside Russia).
  • Grusia is a Russian name for Georgia (the selfnames are Sakartvelo, Qartvelebi), which probably derived from the roots of words "gora” (English: mountain) and "Rus": the “mountain Rus”.

Rus’ in a narrow modern sense is a residue of the ancient Rus’ after all the migrations, mixings, separations, conquests and reforms. The modern multinational Russia is a symbol of the lost ancient Rus’.

The «Book of Veles» is a history of the pre-Christian Slavonic Rus’. The authenticity of the "Book of Veles" can be proved so:

  • The book does not contradict to the known historical facts.
  • The alphabet of this book could be invented by its creators, as well as the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets for the Hebrew-Greek Bible, which were created almost at the same time. For example, the alphabet of the Zoroastrian Avesta was also specially created.
  • The spelling and the grammar of any language require the systematization and learning within the education system, which appeared in Europe and in Russia only along with the Christian Church. The schooling was always based on a strict discipline. In the Middle Ages, only the Church literature was allowed, which finally has formed the literary languages. The Russian grammar was created by M.V. Lomonosov only in the XVIII century, and the Russian universal literacy was reached only in the XX century. Therefore, it’s not surprising that a book of the IX century contains many haphazard spelling and grammatical "errors", and also the language is a mixture of Russian, Polish and Serbian words.
  • Emergence of the name Rus' in connection with the Scandinavian Varangians meets only the official (Norman) theory, which was denied by M. V. Lomonosov. The Slavians could call themselves Rus’ on other reasons.
  • The academic science may prove a falsification of the book for the political reasons.

Ancestors of the Russian Slavians and other Aryan tribes were formed within the area of Andronovo culture (Arkaim, Sintashta) in the II millennium BC. According to the "Book of Veles", the Slavians came from the “seven rivers“ or ”Sapta Sindhu” (possibly the area of Lake Balkhash) two "t’ma" (generally countless, but in this case 2,000) years before the death of Prince Dir of Kiev (IX century).

Some first major Russian settlements were founded in the locations of the Aryan ancestors' settlements before the Chronicles. They are located in the Black Earth region: Voronezh and Kursk.

Surozh is a large ancient Russian settlement in Crimea, according to the "Book of Veles" and archaeological data of A. M. Gorshkov [1].

The ancestors of Russes are known in the traditional history since the XII century BC, i.e. from the Jewish Exodus. The Greeks called the Slavonic population of the Asia Minor the Phrygians and Thracians, the Egyptians called the Hittites, and the Assyrians called them the Mushki (from a Slavonic word, which means the men). The "Book of Veles" tells about these Slavians, who visited Syria and Egypt, and also were the subjects of some Nabsur (probably Nebuchadnezzar).

The ancient Assyria (modern Syria) was called "Ashur" in the local languages. This name comes from a Semitic reading (from right to left) of a word "Rusa", which is recorded in the Semitic (Syrian) alphabet, where the sounds "s" and "sh" are almost equivalent. The connection of Russes with Assyria has other linguistic evidences:

Russian word Translation Description
yashcher (ящер),
yashcheritsa (ящерица)
From Old Slavonic "ashter", that is the goddess-lizard Ishtar (Ashtoreth).
tsar (царь) king Endings of the Assyro-Babylonian ruler names: -usur, -zar.
siroti (сироты) orphans Assyrians (Syrians), who were separated from Rus’.
koldun (колдун) sorcerer Chaldean (Akkadian: Haldu) is a mage, a sorcerer, a priest.
kudesnik (кудесник),
chudesa (чудеса)
The cities Kadesh, Quds are the sacred places, where the Chaldeans gathered.
kashchei (кащеи) Kassites (Akkadian: kaššu) are the warlike tribes.
Sami barn

The unique characters of the Russian fairy tales emerged from the contacts with the neighboring peoples:

The Tsar Pea is a sign of the times, when there were no kings and cereals (see "Bread and alcohol”).

The Volkhv (volshebnik) is a walah (wloh). The Slavians called so the Roman priests, who brought the Hebrew and Greek tales.

The Hebrew name of a Russian man “muzhik” is Meshech (Mosoch). Later, the Christian Moscow, a capital of the Kingdom of "muzhiks", was named on behalf of this word. The Jews called the Cappadocia (a land in the Southern Asia Minor) Tabal/Tubal. The Book of Ezekiel connects the Russes to the people of Gog and Magog, and connects their king to “the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal” (orthodox translation) or “the prince, leader of Meshech and Tubal” (catholic translation). The Book of Ezekiel (Chapter 38) also mentions the struggle of Nebuchadnezzar against the mythical Judea.

Moesia is a Roman province populated by the Mosochs, which became Bulgaria after the coming of Huns and Bulgars.

Kievan Rus'

Ruskolan is a united "state" of the Russes (Scythians) and the Alans (Sarmatians), which was inhabited by Roxolani or Rosomons. This state is located in the Black Earth region and Ukraine, and it was captured by the Ostrogoths of Errmanaric followed by the Huns.

Bus, Bozh is the last Ruskolan ruler. He was crucified in 375 by the Ostrogoths, obviously as a Christian ritually killed by the pagans. According to a historian A.G. Kuzmin, the early Christianity in Rus’ was the Arianism[1], which was also propagated among the Ostrogoths at this time.

Busovgrad is the last capital of Ruskolan. Probably, the city Bashtu, modern Kiev (see below), was founded at this place in the VII century.

Attila's empire

The Attila’s empire of Huns (V century) united the Eastern and Western Slavians together with Goths last time in the history. The Germanic peoples called this empire Hunaland.

Plate with inscriptions about Odoacer

Odoacer is an Attila's successor, the first barbarian ruler of Italy, the leader of several tribes including the "Rugii" but rather the Russes. Hetman B. Khmelnitsky (XVII century) talked to his Cossacks: «Even Ancient Rome (that can be called the mother of all European cities), which owned many States and monarchies and was proud of its forty-five thousand soldiers, was captured for fourteen years by the lesser army of Russes from Rugii of the Baltic or German Pomerania led by the Prince Odoacer. This happened in the year 470 after the Nativity of the Lord. Therefore, we follow the example of our ancient ancestors, those ancient Russes, and who can forbid us to be warriors and to reduce our knightly valor!» The plate dated at year 477 was found in the Christian catacombs of the former Roman province of Noricum (now Salzburg). This plate has inscriptions about "Odoacer Rex Rhutenorum", that is "Odoacer the king of Russses".

The development of the Turkic and Khazar Khaganates started since the VI century. Their Jewish elite had certainly negative attitude to the Russian Slavians.

The Rus’ Khaganate is a predecessor of the Kievan Rus', which is mentioned in the Muslim historical documents. All the princes of Kiev from the Kiy to the baptized Sviatoslav II were called the khagans.

According to the Bulgarian chronicle «Gazi-Baradj Tarihi»[2] of «Djagfar», the Rus’ Khaganate was a part of the Great Bulgaria and was ruled by the direct Attila's descendants, who lost all the gains of their ancestor except the South-Eastern Europe and the Volga region. The Bulgaria in a broad sense included the Volga region (Bulghar), Rus’ Khaganate on the northern shore of the Black Sea (Kara-Bulgar), and the lands of the Balkanian Slavians (Avar Khaganate). The name of modern Bulgaria is a memory of the ancient Bulgaria. The First Bulgarian Empire was founded by Khan Asparukh in 681.

The Southern Slavians including Czechs in a period from VII to IX centuries gradually moved from the Avars to the Byzantines, who propagated the Orthodox Christianity, the Church Slavonic language, and the Cyrillic alphabet, which is based on the Greek alphabet.

In 620, Shambat, a brother of Baltavar Kurbat, founded the city Bashtu (Arabic: Kuyaba, Slavian: Kiev) on the mountains of Kuyantau on the site of a village Askal. Shambat was in alliance with Byzantium against the Avars, and the Byzantines called Kiev the Sambatas, as the Constantine VII recorded in his work "On the Governance of the Empire”.

In the times of the Bulgarian Khagans before the Princes of Novgorod, the Kievan Russes were the tributaries of the Khazars, who finally captured Russes along with the whole Bulgar. The human sacrifices, which were described by the medieval authors, emerged in the Rus’ at this time.

The dates and names of the rulers and events of the IX century, which are mentioned at most briefly and contradictory in the Russian Chronicles, are known:

Reign Khagan name Events
Slavonic Bulgarian
815 – 855 ? Ugur Aydar 834, the Byzantines built the fortress of Sarkel to protect the Khazars from the Russes.
855 – 882 ? Gabdulla Djilki
(converted to Islam)
858, capture of Kiev by the Khazars.

860, siege of Constantinople on demand of the Khazars.
863, Jewish and Khazar massacre in Kiev.
Gabdulla with other Muslims went to Bulgar and left the Dir and Askold.

864 – 870 Dir (a Greek Diros on the "Book of Veles") Djir-As Khazars assigned the Dir as “bek” and the Askold as a governor.
870 – 882 Askold (a Varangian on the "Book of Veles") As-Khalib Askold killed the Dir.
882 – 912 Oleg of Novgorod
(son of Erek)
Calling on the Princes of Novgorod (Ruriks). The Varangians, Bulgars and Pechenegs had liberated Kiev. Murder Of Askold. Liberation from the Khazars.

The legend about death of the Oleg of Novgorod is similar to the legend from "Gazi-Baradj Tarihi" about the death of Djoké-Utig, who burned the nest of the dragon Baradj: «In the fire all children of the Baradj, except for one, died, and he fled to another place, and on parting told Djoké-Utig: ”I was always a patron of the Hons, and I shall stay a patron. But you, for your malicious act, will die of a sting of my last son, and all your children will be killed”. But this Bek not only did not get frightened, but, on the contrary, by a new advice of his wife started to search in the tombs of the ancestors for the Hinian treasures. And when he opened one tomb, from the land, instead of the human remains, showed up the bones of a horse. It was a warning sign of Tangra, but Djoké-Utig did not heed this it and continued to search. Then from under the bones crept out a Snake, the son of Baradj, and bit the Bek, and he immediately died...»

The Varangians are the Slavians, who “brewed” (Slavonic: var…) the salt when “salt was worth its weight in gold" and lived on the shores of the Baltic Sea and possibly the White Sea. Wagria is a medieval German name of the Varangian land. A German historian Sigismund von Herberstein (XVI century) wrote [3]: «…when Russes were in contention for the election of new Prince, they called the governors from an old famous Vandalian city of Wagria near Lübeck and the Duchy of Holstein. Vandalls at this time were very powerful and had the same language, traditions and religion as Russes. They sent the three most famous and powerful brothers: Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. Rurik got possession of Novgorod, Sineus got the Lake Beloye, and Truvor got the Principality of Pskov with a residence in the city of Izborsk».

M.V. Lomonosov objected to the Müller’s dissertation [4]: «…Varangians and Rurik with his clan, who came to Novgorod, were the Slavians, taked in Slavian, descended from ancient Russes, and they didn’t come from Scandinavia, but from the east-southern coast of the Baltic Sea between the rivers Vistula and Dvina… the name Rus in Scandinavia and in the northern shores of the Baltic Sea was never been heard… Our chronicles mention that Rurik with his clan came from Germans (Slavonic: nemtsi ) or from Prussians, as somewhere written… A river flows into the Baltic Sea from the eastern-southern side between the Vistula and Dvina, which at its top is called the Neman near the city of Grodno, and at its mouth is caled Rusne. Here is evident that the Varangians-Russes lived in the eastern- southern shore of the Baltic Sea beside the river Rusne … And the name of Prussians or “Porussians” shows that the Prussians lived near (Slavonic: po) Russians».

Prince Igor was forced to be an ally of the Khazar commander Pesakh and to attack Byzantium.

Princess Olga is an Orthodox Saint, who became Equal-to-the-Apostles in the XVI century. Karamzin called her wise, though most likely she was just an ordinary woman.

Contradictions of the history on various sources
Orthodox chronicles Other sources
Difference Source
Prince Igor (husband of Olga) was killed in 945 by the Drevlians, who paid him tributes and then buried him, i.e. honored him (?). Viking Framar unsuccessfully courted the Ingvar's daughter (obviously Olga), and then he together with Sturlaug defeated and killed the king Ingvar (Prince Igor, Olga's husband) in Gardariki (Rus'). Scandinavian “Sturlaugs saga starfsama”.
Igor was betrayed by his army, fled from Kiev into the Drevlian Iskorosten, and there he was killed by the Olga's army. Folk tales recorded by a historian N.I. Korobka [5].
Olga was baptized in the Constantinople. Visit to the Constantinople with undefined purpose. Byzantine chronicles.

It’s only known about the visit of the Catholic Archbishop Adalbert to Kiev in 961 on the Olga's invitation, and about the simultaneous adoption of the Catholic Christianity by the Norwegian king Harald about the year 960. The Orthodoxy was not well supported in Rus’ at that time.

Sviatoslav I is a commander, who defeated the Khazar Khaganate. He was an enemy of the Christianity and the actual founder of the medieval Rus’. He told the following words before the battle against Byzantium: «Do not disgrace the Russian Land, lie down here with the bones. Dead shame no shame. If you flee, disgraced himself. Let us stand as firmly. If my head will fall, hunted about yourself».

Novgorod Rus'

Novgorod Rus' was known yet to the Arabic merchants of the X century as the Slavia. The Scandinavians called it Gardrariki (a realm of towns). The Novgorod democracy is a direct democracy like the Old Norse (Germanic) one. The Novgorod veche (Council) is consonant with an Anglo-Saxon Council "witan" or "witenagemot". The boyars (Scandinavian jarls) elected the princes (Scandinavian: Konungr, Slavonic: Kn.z…), as also Rurik from the Varangians.

The Ancient Vladimir is one of the first Novgorod Princes of the Vandal (Venedi) origin. Perhaps he is mentioned in the Thidhrekssaga (about the Dietrich von Bern or the Theodoric the Great) under the name of Waldimar, the Prince of Rusiland (Rus’) and Pulinaland (Poland). Since this Waldimar fought against Attila, he is dating the V century.

Gostomysl is the last Prince of the united northern Rus’ (Vandals, Obodrites, Novgorod).

Godelaib is a Prince of the Obodrites, the father of Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, who are known as the Varangians, who ruled the Rus' since the IX century.

The Novgorod Republic (XII-XV centuries) is a golden age of the independent Novgorod Rus’.

The former Pomeranian cities Lübeck, Wismar, Rostock, together with some German, Polish and Baltic cities formed a confederaion called the Hanseatic League with the centre in Lübeck and one of the offices in Novgorod.

The medieval city of Novgorod does not exist in the Western European documents, although there is the Novgorod land (a land of the new cities) or the Nowogardia. For example, the Herberstein’s map shows on the sites of the present-day Veliky and Nizhny Novgorod the land names (Nowogardia Magna, Nowogardia Inferior), but there are no symbols of the cities. Novgorod, in the modern time, is usually associated the Scandinavian Holmgard, which is also consonant with Kholmogory (Lomonosov’s motherland).

Fragment of the Herberstein’s map, 1549.

The present-day Veliky Novgorod (Novgorod the Great) does not match the image of the medieval Novgorod as A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky[6] noticed:

Conclusion. A small city called Veliky Novgorod was built in the XVII century on the site of a small town Slovensk, and the fictional religious "Tale about Sloven, Rus and the city of Slovensk” was written at the same time. So the history, how the "eastern" Orthodox Muscovy defeated the "western" Novgorod Rus, was hidden. See also "Peter the Great".


Vladimir the Great (Baptizer of Rus') is a «rabichich», i.e. the son of a Rabbi and a queen (Hebrew: malka), who apparently was the widow Princess Olga. According to the official history, the Drevlians killed the Olga's husband (Igor) and unsuccessfully tried to marry Olga with their Prince Mal (a non-Slavonic name that sounds like “small”), but she remained for the whole life a lonely Orthodox Saint. Also according to the official history, the Vladimir's mother was some Khazar slave (Slavonic: rob…, rab) Malusha, and his father was the Sviatoslav I, but it’s not clear how a son of the warlike pagan became a Christian.

The known accurate chronology of the Russian events appeared only after the Christianization of Rus’, when the Byzantine calendar (from the biblical creation of the world) and the Catholic Julian calendar (from the Nativity of Jesus) were introduced widely. N.A. Morozov had found the incorrect dates of the astronomical phenomena and stated that the Russian chronology before the XII century is incorrect.

The «Tale of Bygone Years» (Primary Chronicle) is the only document on which the traditional Russian history of the IX-XII centuries is based. This chronicle appeared only in the XVIII century during the reign of Peter the Great.

Contradictions of the Primary Chronicle on the Novgorod foundation
Manuscript Description
Laurentian The city was founded by the Slovens from the Danube before Rurik.
Hypatian Rurik founded the city after the death of his brothers.
Novgorodian Novgorod existed yet in the times of Kiy.

According to the Primary Chronicle, many princes in the X-XII centuries allegedly simultaneously ruled both Kiev and Novgorod in the absence of any means of communication except the water "Route from the Varangians to the Greeks". Also, the ships full of goods were allegedly portaged from one river to another, because the direct route did not exist. The Scandinavian and the Byzantine sources do not mention such an original way, although the Scandinavian and Byzantine merchants allegedly used it.

A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky [7] discovered the history duplication shifted for about 400 years::

Princes of Kiev and Pereyaslavl Princes of Moscow
Vladimir the Great

(a son of some slave Malusha, the baptizer of Rus')

980 – 1015 Vasily I

Sergius of Radonezh is almost his contemporary.

1389 – 1425
Sviatopolk I

(son of the unknown Greek nun)

1015 – 1019 Yury of Zvenigorod 1425 – 1434
Yaroslav the Wise.

The frist non-Greek Metropolitan Hilarion was elected.

1019 – 1054 Vasily II.

Almost the first Moscow Metropolitan Jonah was elected.

1425 – 1462
Vsevolod I

(wife is the unknown Byzantine Princess)

1054 – 1093 Иван III

(wife is the Byzantine Princess Sophia Palaiologina)

1462 – 1505
Vladimir II Monomakh

(baptized as Vasily)

1093 – 1125 Vasili III

(the Monomakh's Cap emerged at that time)

1505 – 1533
Yuri Dolgorukiy

(founder of Moscow)

1149 – 1157 Ivan the Terrible

(1st Moscow Tsar)

1533 – 1584
Vsevolod the Big Nest 1176 – 1212
(Mongol-Tatar yoke) (Time of Troubles)

In this case, the history repeats itself too literally starting from the Christianization of Rus’, which for some reason caused the civil wars instead of an integration. The Lithuania became completely separated from Rus’ at that time.

The Poles (Polans, Polacy) had officially adopted the Catholic Christianity in 966 and became forever separated from Rus’. The Polish language and writing were formed under the Latin and German influence. The Poland blocked the eastern path for the Germans, who conquered the Slavonic lands of the Lusatian Serbs, Polabians and Obodrites.

The Czech Slavians joined to the Polish and German culture and become separated from the southern Slavians, who were under the influence of the Avars and Byzantines. The Hussites are the Czech reformers of the XV century, who emerged on the Orthodox background of the Czechs.

All the princes from the left column of this table (above) have the following features:

  • Their mothers are foreign, and also the women of only the Norman or Varangian origins (Ingegerd, Rogneda of Polotsk) are exactly known, as well as the Byzantine wife of Vladimir the Great. The genealogies of these Princes are similar to the fabulous genealogies of the biblical patriarchs with unknown mothers.
  • The remains of these Princes either not found or inexplicably lost.

The conclusions:

  • The exact history of Rus’ before the Mongol-Tatar yoke is distorted and obscure, because the global Russian state arose at the times of these Mongol-Tatars.
  • The German historians of Peter the Great had created the myths about the Norman origins of the Russian Princes and about the Christianization of Rus’ in the X-XI century. They had a prejudice that a State cannot arise without a Church, because their own State is a child of the Rome and the Roman Church.
  • The Byzantine (Greek) Christianity just came into Russia before the strengthening of the Moscow government and of the Russian Orthodox Church, but it never was a state religion. The Princes were still called by the old Slavonic names, but not the Christian names. Even the army of Dmitry Donskoy in the Battle of Kulikovo sang the anthem to Perun[8], and the tombstones of the Russian nobility, who fell in that battle, yet had no the Christian symbols[9].
  • Royal name of the Russian origin Waldemar (Vladimir) was yet popular in the Catholic Denmark before strengthening of the Orthodox Moscow in the XIV century.
  • Prince Ivan I Kalita is a great-grandson of the Mongol Khan Sartaq and an ally of the Sultan Öz Beg Khan (Ghiyas ad-din Mohammed), who obviously gave to Ivan the Jarlig to reign and the title of Caliph, which is pronounced "Kalita" in the Turkic and in the Old Russian languages.
  • Sergius of Radonezh is an actual creator of the Russian Orthodox Church, which united the Moscow Kingdom ruled by the Orthodox Dmitry Donskoy, who won in the Battle of Kulikovo.
  • Jonah of Moscow is apparently the first true Orthodox Metropolitan of whole the Russia after the Isidore, who was a cardinal of the Roman Church at the same time.
  • The family relationships of the Russian Princes and the Byzantine nobility started only since Ivan III and Sophia Palaiologina.
  • The imperial "Monomakh’s Cap" emerged only in the XVI century. At this time “The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir" was written, where the Constantine IX Monomachos allegedly gave the Cap to his grandson Vladimir Monomakh. The princely family Romodanovsky («Romo-dan»: given by Rome) arose in the XV-XVI centuries. This family allegedly goes from Vladimir Monomakh and was called Starodubsky before.
Vladimir the Great

Vladimir the Great is usually depicted on the Orthodox icons with a cross and a sword in his hand, as the painters often depict the warriors-martyrs. Obviously, he was killed in the process of the Christianization of Rus’ by "fire and sword".

The Orthodox icons firstly appeared in the IV century at the Orthodoxy homeland, at the Egyptian Copts, and then this painting came into Byzantium, and then into Russia by the XII century. Many Russian icons of the Image of Edessa (Russian: Spas Nerukotvorny), which are dated not earlier than the XII century, have the number 878 written by the Church Slavonic numerals (based on the Cyrillic alphabet by a Semitic principle) on the aureola.

Since this is the Orthodox icons, the interpretation of this number as the Kabbalistic number of a name is excluded. But if this number is a year of the Coptic calendar, that is from the real Nativity of Jesus (see "Buddha, Christ and Krishna"), then 284 + 878 = 1162 AD. Perhaps, this is the actual date of the Christianization of Rus’, which almost matches the foundation of the mythical invisible Kitezh in 1165-1168 according to the “Kitezh Chronicle”. At the same time (1168), the Danish king Valdemar I (Vladimir), who is considered the great-grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, defeated the last fortress of the Slavonic pagans on the island of Rügen. Since that time, the Orthodoxy still had to go the long hard way to gain a power over the Rus’.

Moscow, Vladimir and other cities within the Oka basin are the Slavonic colonies on the ancestral lands of the Finno-Ugric peoples: Mordvins, Merya, Muroma (hence the city of Murom), Erzya (hence the city of Ryazan). The Princes of Moscow and Vladimir, unlike the Princes of Kiev and Novgorod, were not called by the ancient Slavonic names but by the new Christian names (Yuri, Ivan, Vasily, etc.). Those colonies were united into the North-Eastern Rus’, which was known to the Arabic merchants of the X century as Arthania (by the city of Rostov).

Reconstruction of Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets is a real person (Ilya Pechorsky) of a Finno-Ugric (Murom) origin about the XI-XII centuries. The Ugro-Finnish and Russian epics do not associate him with Kiev and Vladimir the Great exept the so-called Kievan cycle of epics. The most popular stories are the fights against the robbers.

Mongol-Tatar yoke

See also "Mongols".

The Mongol-Tatar yoke is a religious myth of the Russian churchmen and the German historians about the dark past of Russia followed by a rule of the Orthodox tsars (caesars). The folk memory about this ordinary struggle between the Princes and the Khans does not quite match the written history. The Tatars and the Russians are living for centuries on the same land without the global ethnic conflicts.

The word "tatar" has a Western European origin. The Greek Tartarus ("tartarary" in Russian) is a mythical dark hellhole. The Western European people obviously imagined so the eastern part of Russia inhabited by the Tatars. The Great Tartary is a western-european name of the lands from the Volga to the Siberia inclusive since the XIII century. The concept of Mongol-Tatar yoke came into Russia from the Western Europe after the reforms of Peter the Great, when the Germans wrote the Russian history.

The ambassador of Louis IX, William of Rubruck explored the lower reaches of the Don River in the XIII century and wrote: «Russian settlements are scattered everywhere among the Tatars; Russes were mixed with Tatars... got their traditions, as well as clothing and lifestyle... Women adorn their heads with hats, like the French hats, the bottom of the dresses is made of furs, otter, red squirrel and ermine. Men wear short clothes: coats, chekmins and lambskin hats... All the ways of travel are served by Russes; Russes are at the crossings of rivers everywhere».

The Volga Bulgars are called the Tatars now. The medieval Tatars were the Kipchaks and the Cumans (Russian: Polovtsy), a population of the former northern Turkic and Khazar Khaganates, who was still ruled by the Khans and populated the Cumania since the XI century, replacing the southern Pechenegs (Oghuz). The names "Polovtsy" and "Poians" are derived probably from the old Slavonic word "polon" (captivity). Probably, many Cumans had a Slavonic appearance, so the Western Europeans poorly distinguished the Tatars and the Russes, because they both spoke an incomprehensible language.

The Golden Horde (Ulus of Jochi) was founded by a son of Jochi (the eldest Genghis Khan's son): Batu-Khan (Russian: Baty) or the Cossack Bat’ka (father). His baptized son Sartaq was the great-grandfather of the Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita (Caliph), the ancestor of all the subsequent Moscow Princes, Rurikids.

Alexander Nevsky, who also called Alexa Nevrui, was the paternal grandson of Vsevolod the Big Nest of the Monomakh's dynasty according to the official history, and he became the adopted son of Batu Khan at the age of 26! According to the genetic studies, the Monomakh descendants on their paternal line have the haplogroup N-M231, which rather belongs to the Siberian Mongoloid peoples and to the Ugro-Finns than to the Normans and the Slavians, who feature the haplogroups I-M170 and R-M207 respectively. Obviously, Nevrui was a descendant of the Cuman Khans not only on the maternal line (according to the official history), but also he was a native son of Batu Khan. This explains the invasion of Nevrui army into Rus’, which was comparable to the invasion of Batu Khan. The Orthodox Khan, who baptized Rus’ with "fire and sword", was canonized. Nowadays he's better known as an enemy of the Roman Church represented by the Livonian Order.

Many Russian words from the economic and governmental vocabularies are of a Turkic origin, and they appeared in the period of either the Horde or the Huns yet:

Word Origin
English Russian
father отец (otets)1) Turkic «ata».
host хозяин (hoziayin) Turkic «hozha», «hoja».
shed сарай (saray) From Persian «sarai» (a palace).
guard duty караул (karaul) Kazakh phrase «karau aul» (to watch for a village).
customs таможня (tamozhnia) Turkic «tamga» is a sign of the state belonging.
commodity товар (tovar) Turkic «tavar» (a property).
market базар (bazar) Persian market.
money деньги (dengi) Name of a coin: tenge.
treasury казна (kazna) Turkic designation of the state property, from the Arabic "hazan" (to store).
The Russian «kaznachey» or the Turkic «kaznachi» is a treasurer
Russian verb «kaznit» (to execute) literally means “to give away into the state”.
coachman ямщик (yamshchik) Turkic «yamchi» (a guide, a messenger). Yam is a checkpoint with the horses.
jarlig ярлык (yarlik) Tatar decree.
translator толмач (tolmach)2) Turkic «tilmachi» (translator).
1) Word of an Indo-European origin is "батя" (batia).

2) German "dolmetscher" is an Old Russian "tolmach".

Cossack (Russian: Kazak) is a Slavonic warrior of the Golden Horde, as well as a Tatar-Mongol (Turkic) Kazakh.

Cossacks (Slavians) Kazakhs (Tatars)
Area of settlements Stanitsa (derived from “stan”). Stan (Kazakhstan etc.).
Social system Self-government, assemblies, election of authorities.
Code of laws Yassa.
Leaders, commanders Ataman (from Turkic “ata”, father),
Yesaul (from Turkic “yasaul”, boss).
Khan (Khagan).
Military units Sotnia (100), Kurin, T’ma. 10, 100, Kuran, Tumen.
Military profession Cavalry.
Military tactics Orders of battle and regulations are not strictly defined.
Folk musical instruments Bandura (chordophone, more than 4 strings),

Kobza (chordophone, 4 strings).

Dombra (chordophone, 2 strings),

Kobyz (bowed, 2 strings).

Ancient haircut Shaved head with a chub (oseledets). Shaved head with an aydar.

Moscow, as a capital of the Orthodox Rus’, began to rise and flourish in opposition to the Mongol Empire. The family of Genghis Khan was gradually degenerating, and the Muscovy was developing at the same time. The Mongol Empire became weaker, and the Golden Horde at first became independent and then was divided into a few small khanates. The remnants of the Golden Horde in the late XIV century already became the victims of the Novgorod pirates: Ushkuiniks.

The Oriental despotic Moscow and its Western democratic opponent rose together. This opponent was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which united the Western Rus’ into a federation. There were at various times in addition to Lithuania: Poland, the Little Russia (Ukraine) and the White Russia (Belarus). The Golden age of Poland and Lithuania was at the times of the Commonwealth, which was the name of this duchy in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

Mamai is a baptized commander (Temnik), who ruled the Black Sea region. He is famous for the Battle of Kulikovo. This battle is notable for the participation of the Genoese, Polish and Lithuanian troops on the Mamai's side. The Mamai’s behavior can be explained as an attempt of the Roman Church to use the Tatars as the Crusaders.

The Battle of Kulikovo, as G.V. Nosovsky and A.T. Fomenko found[9], was the battle of Moscow just near the ancient capital, which was the white-stone Kremlin. The archaeologists did not find any significant traces of this battle on the known Kulikovo Field. On the other side, a mass grave with the headstones, which are dated exactly the XIV century, and with a radius of at least 100 meters is located within the Simonov monastery area, where, as known, the Orthodox heroes Peresvet and Oslyabya are buried. Many remains were thrown away during the construction of a plant within this area. This battle occured on the Kulishki (at “chertovy kulichki”, i.e. "in the middle of nowhere"), where Dmitry Donskoy had built the Church of All Saints. The Mamai’s headquarters was on the Red Hill, where the Taganka Square is now.

Reconstruction of Sophia Palaiologina

After the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, the Moscow started to gather around itself the Russian principalities and to absorb the Novgorod Republic: the rest of the old democratic Rus’. After the fall of Byzantium, the Great Princes of Moscow since Ivan the Terrible were called the Tsars (Caesars). The grandmother of Ivan the Terrible was Sophia Palaiologina from the last dynasty of the Byzantine emperors. The power became centralized and joined with the Church hierarchy, especially since the Vasily III, the son of Sophia Palaiologina. The Moscow Kremlin had been reconstructed by the Italian architects in a Roman style and had got a modern look. The concept of "Moscow - Third Rome" emerged in those times, when Moscow and its Kingdom started to be build on the radial-circular layout. The principle "All roads lead to Rome" is maintained until now.

Tula is a city mentioned in the Chronicles since the XII century and grown along with Moscow. The city's name has a biblical origin: "Prince of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tula)". Tubal/Tuval is a blacksmith in Hebrew, so Tula is a forge of the weapons for the Russian Kingdom. Probably, there were forged the weapons for the Muslim Golden Horde, and so the Arabic inscriptions are depicted on some samples of the Russian arms such as the chichaks (helmets) of the Russian tsars. This city was not destroyed during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, and Taidula owned it in the XIV century.

The Zaporizhian Sich is the Cossack state within the modern Ukraine area, a Slavonic remnant of the Golden Horde. The "Cossack Mamay" is an Ukrainian folk hero. This state was founded simultaneously with the Crimean Khanate, respectively a Tatar remnant of the Horde. Both they were eliminated at the same time only in the XVIII century. A sample of the diplomatic correspondence of the XVII century, the famous «Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks», which shows the culture of the former Horde:

«O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make subjects of Christian sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother. You Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw your own mother! So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's (“moon” and “month” is the same word in Slavonic) in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse! - Koshovyi Otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host»

The Mamai’s clan was already called the Lithuanian Princes Glinski of a Tatar origin since the XV century. The son of Elena Glinskaya and Vasily III is the Tsar Ivan the Terrible or the Khan actually. His deputy was also a baptized Tatar Khan Sain-Bulat (Simeon Bekbulatovich). After the Horde collapse, Ivan the Terrible, who controlled the Russian troops, had to get his prize: to capture the Astrakhan, to capture the Kazan, and to capture the Siberia by the small Cossack bands of Yermak. Then a Mongolian man from the Russian Far East had been named a Buryat, who is a Russian “Brat” (a brother). So the Russian Kingdom (Tsardom), a heir of the Golden Horde, was created. The little-known Battle of Molodi decided its fate as the Battle of Kulikovo before. The centralized Moscow power started to propagate the Orthodoxy within the former Tatar lands.

Reconstruction of Elena Glinskaya
Reconstruction Ivan the Terrible
Tamga of the Crimean Khans Giray
Glinski herald en.png
Glinski's coat of arms
with a Tatar tamga.

The Oprichnina is the establishment of the Imperial autocracy and the reprisals in the former Novgorod Republic, where the "Heresy of the Judaisers" started to be propagated. When the Tsar captured Polotsk, he resolved the local Jewish question: «Who agree to be baptized should be baptized; who refused should be drowned in the Palata River». From a letter of Ivan the Terrible to the Polish king Sigismund: «On your letters about to let your Jews entry into our lands, we have already many times answered you about the vile deeds of the Jews, who distracted our people from Christianity, brought into our land the poisoned medication and made great harm to our people. You brother should be ashamed to write to us about them, if you know all their crimes…». Just 3-5 thousands of people were executed during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Ivan the Terrible died on the Jewish holiday of Passover, which symbolize a liberation from the first Russian Orthodox Tsar.

Modern time

The Godunovs is a royal dynasty, who came shortly after Ivan the Terrible. According to a legend, this dynasty comes from the Tatar murza Chet, who came to Russia in the times of Ivan Kalita (Caliph). The Godunovs could be the members of a conspiracy against Ivan the Terrible, who was strangled, according to the testimony of an English nobleman Jerome Horsey[10], who worked in Moscow. Also, they are suspected in a death of the healthy enough Tsarevich Dmitry, who had to be a successor of the mentally disabled Feodor I.

The Russian feudal system on the European model emerged soon after the liberation from the so-called Mongol-Tatar yoke. At first, the farmers lost their ownership of a land, and later they became the serfs. The land ownership and the grain sales were concentrated in the landlords hands, who could be only the royal nobles.

The Russian famine during the Boris Godunov reign before the Time of Troubles doesn’t have any clear reasons. For example, it has been suggested, that the Huaynaputina eruption in Peru had caused the Little Ice Age, which selectively influenced on Muscovy for some reason. At the same time, a Dutch trader Isaac Massa described the Time of Troubles history [11]: «…Because there was more grain in the country than all the people may eat in 4 years... Noblemen, all the monasteries and many richmen had the barns full of bread, which was partially rotten after many years of storage; and they didn't want to sell it. And the tsar was so blind by the God's will, that although he could order whatever he wished, he didn't ordered to everyone to sell own bread strictly». Also, a set of known facts suggests the idea of a plot to seize power:

  • The Jewish community in Poland was more prosperous than in Russia and, of course, wanted to expand its influence within Russia.
  • Antisemitism of the first Russian tsars and their struggle against "Heresy of the Judaisers" within the clergy and nobility.
  • Concentration of production and sales of the grain in the nobles hands.
  • Trade is a common Jewish occupation. The grain trade was a usual occupation of the Russian Jews, at least in the XIX century.

False Dmitry I and the Polish–Muscovite War (1605-1618) is an attempt to unite the Western democratic Rus’ with the Eastern despotic Rus’.

The Romanovs is a dynasty of unclear origin. Their ancestors are considered to be some Moscow boyars A. Kobyla (Russian word for a female horse) and F. Koshka (Russian word for a female cat), who came from Prussia. The reforms of this dynasty, which reached their maximum during the reign of Peter the Great, were Pro-Western:

The religious reform also showed a misunderstanding or a deliberate change in the ritual:

  • The old sign of the cross with 2 fingers is the prana-mudra or the mudra of life, which stimulates the personal energetics. The new sign with 3 fingers is convenient but meaningless.
  • The old clockwise (pradakshina) direction of a procession is the sun path across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere. The new counterclockwise direction can symbolize a ritual, which relates to the Southern Hemisphere (see "Civilization").
  • The old double and the new triple Hallelujah is respectively 2- and 3-fold praise of the Jewish God Yahweh.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky, who was supported by Moscow, revolted the Orthodox Cossacks against the Polish magnates and the Catholic priests. As a result, the Eastern part of the Little Russia with some lands, which were lost in the Time of Troubles, had joined to the Great Rus'.

The anti-people regime of the Romanovs caused the peasant revolts, which was started by the Don Cossacks (Stepan Razin, Yemelyan Pugachev), who were the subjects of the new Moscow tsars. The nationwide, from Ukraine to Ural, support of the revolt had demonstrated the Cossack essence of the Russian nation, which remained like this even in the XVIII century despite all the reforms. The illiterate Don Cossacks headed the revolts at the state level and impressed the whole of Europe. After the suppression of all riots, the subdued Cossacks became a mainstay of the Russian autocratic state, the protectors against the foreign and internal enemies. Also, the Cossacks became a separate social estate installed into the European social system.

Peter the Great

Peter the Great is one of the most amazing Russian leaders of the modern time.

  • The oldest source on the biography of Peter the Great is a multi-volume works of some convicted businessman I.I. Golikov (1735-1801), who decided to do the history after the ban on doing business. These works became the history thanks to support of the Russian historiographer of a German origin G.F. Müller. Also the poet A. Pushkin was instructed to write the history of Peter the Great later.
  • Alexis I allegedly had no any worthy heir among his 13 children from his first wife: a Polish noblewoman Miloslavskaya.
  • Naryshkina, the second wife of Alexis I, immediately gave birth to Peter the Great. However, she belonged to an unknown family Naryshkin, which became noble thanks to the Peter.
  • The Russian Princes and Tsars never named Peter before Peter the Great, but only the boyars. Only a medieval legend of the Peter and Fevronia of Murom is known, where Peter is identified with the Prince David Yurievich and his wife, a peasant Euphrosyne (tonsured the monks under the Church names Peter and Fevronia). The name Peter was not common for the Western kings also.
  • The former regent of Peter the Great, Princess Sophia, and also his first Russian wife of a noble origin Eudoxia Lopukhina were put into the monastery. Sophia organized an unsuccessful revolt, the Streltsy Uprising in 1698. Peter estranged his son of his first wife from inheritance, and then the son was executed during the coup attempt.
  • The second wife of Peter the Great, Marfa Samuilovna Skavronskaya (baptized as the Empress Catherine I) was a Baltic peasant woman, a former maid-girlfriend of the Count Sheremetev and the Prince Menshikov at least. She is the mother of Empress Elizabeth and the grandmother of Peter III.
  • Peter the Great knew 14 crafts, which are allegedly necessary for a king: a carpenter, a turner, a blacksmith, a cobbler, etc.
  • The Grand Embassy (1697–1698) is an official diplomatic mission, where Peter the Great for some reason was represented as some Peter Mikhailov, a constable from the Preobrazhensky Regiment. The Swiss Franz Lefort, the best friend of Peter the Great, headed this Embassy and was the Peter's interpreter. Lefort was not noticed after his return to Moscow, and soon he suddenly died, but his grave was lost in a strange way.
  • 31.07.1698. Visit to the king of Catholic Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Augustus II, the last waypoint of the Great Embassy.
  • 19.09.1698. The “Man in the Iron Mask” was delivered into the Bastille (Catholic France) from the Île Sainte-Marguerite.
  • 19.11.1703. The “Man in the Iron Mask” died. A wooden Church on the site of the future Peter and Paul Cathedral (in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul) was built on some occasion in 1703-1704. This Cathedral became a burial place for the royalty since the times of Peter the Great.
  • The reforms of Peter the Great were accompanied by the Russian depopulation according to the census[12]: for 1/5 in 1710, and for 1/3 in 1715-1716.
  • The Russian Tsar Peter speaks like a non-Russian man: «The goal can be achieved by the humane ways with other European nations, but not with Russians: if I did not use a severity, I would not own the Russian state now and would never make it such as it is now. I'm dealing with non-humans, with animals, which I want to transform into humans».
  • Fyodor Romodanovsky is a Russian Prince of the Starodubsky clan, the closest associate of Peter the Great, who helped him to come to power, and who temporarily performed his duties. Similarity of his portraits with portraits of Peter the Great is noticeable. A quote from “Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary” on Romodanovsky: «…was a close relative of Peter the Great, who usually wrote in letters to Romodanovsky: «Min Her Kenig! Your letter of sovereign…» and in the end: «Your Majesty's lowest subject Piter». After his death, his son Prince Ivan (died in 1730) was promoted by Peter the Great in Prince-Caesar». Despite all the reforms, Romodanovsky lived whole his life in the old Russian style.
Romodanovsky 1.jpg Peter 1.jpg
Romodanovsky 2.jpg
F.Y. Romodanovsky (1640–1717)
Peter 2.jpg
Peter the Great (1672–1725)

The experience of introducing the false Russian Tsars already existed: the False Dmirty. An attempt with False Dmitriy quickly failed, but if it was successful, the history would have been written in a favor of the false king, and it would be difficult to detect a lie in the future. The list of False Dmitriys as well as the false Peter III show, how easy even the simple Cossacks cheated the people. Something similar happened in the case of Peter the Great, the global conspiracy in order to accelerate the conversion of the tsarist Russia into an appendage of the West. The main participants are:

  • Vatican and Jesuits. The action took place in Catholic France and, probably, in Poland.
  • Prince V.V. Galitzine of a Lithuanian origin, the son of Tatiana Romodanovsky, the actual head of the Russian government before 1689.
  • Prince-Caesar F.Y. Romodanovsky (Rurik dynasty), the actual head of the Russian government since 1689.

The Romanovs for some reason had let the foreign (Western) troops (Regiments of the New Order) under the command of Lefort, Gordon, etc. to come into Russia. The possible reason is the union against the Muslim Ottoman Empire, which continued a war against the Christian Byzantine Empire represented by the Russia now. As a result, the Romanovs were removed from power by a military coup in 1682. The riot of the Russian troops were called the Streltsy Uprising. Subsequently, the emperors of a Western origin were called the Romanovs until the end of dynasty.

Peter Romanov is the image of a Russian Tsar, who consists of several persons:

  • Apostle Peter (the first mythical Pope) is the name.
  • Romodanovsky is the portrait (growth and appearance are matched).
  • A constable Peter Mikhailov, a Dutch sailor, etc. is a person for the visits.
  • Western generals and admirals (Lefort etc.) is the chief commander and the Emperor.
  • Western civilian specialists is the master of all trades.

The All-Joking, All-Drunken Synod of Fools and Jesters is one of the Peter’s manifestations, which existed throughout the reign period.

The toy army of the "small children", from which the brilliant military career of Peter the Great allegedly started, did not leave any significant traces. So this is a tale of the historians, who explain an intervention of the foreign troops.

Assumption: Lefort, who learned too many details, became the “Man in the Iron Mask" in 42 years old and lived in a prison for another 5 years.

Saint Petersburg (city of Saint Peter the Apostle, but not the eponymous emperor) is supposedly quickly built almost personally by Peter the Great on an empty marshland within the country, which was exhausted by the wars and reforms. In fact, the central part of this city, as it is known, was building before the XX century, and its exact founding date cannot be certainly determined, since some buildings, including the fortresses of Nyenschantz (Sweden: Nyenskans), Nöteborg, Korela (Sweden: Kexholm), Koporye existed yet before Peter.

The modern researchers have noted the unusual decrease in a level of the basement and the first floor (1,5 meters) of many buildings in the city centre [2], for example:

Also, a layer of sand with a height of about 2 meters between two pavements was found under the Palace Square. Seems like, this city was abandoned for many decades or centuries and then restored.

The Norse sagas mention the Russian "realm of cities" Garðaríki and its capital Holmgarðr, with which the historians traditionally associate the Veliky Novgorod (see also "Novgorod Rus'"). It was somewhere in the modern Saint Petersburg area, as the following comparative table shows. It is known, that the Northern Slavians-Pomors (Pommerns) founded their cities mainly on the Baltic Sea shores.

Historical Novgorod Modern cities
Veliky Novgorod Saint Petersburg
Holmgarðr is literally the "island city" and the "settlements inundated during floods". City on a river, but not on an island.
Floods do not result in any disasters.
Channels and islands. The floods happen sometimes.
Trade relations with the Hansa require access to the Baltic Sea. Via the Volkhov River, the Ladoga and the Neva River. Direct access.
Peterhof with the Saint Peter's church. Peterhof has no any traces. Petergof (Petrodvorets) with several temples.
City districts are called “kontsy”. The first settlements were "kontsy" (Nerevsky, Slovensky and Liudin). The city was built on the site of the fortress Nyenschantz (Nyenskans) called in Russian: “Nevskiye Kantsy” (trenches).
1228. Finns attacked the Ladoga, a severe famine in Novgorod. Ladoga is not of great importance. Ladoga connects the city with the rest of Rus’.
1446. Blockade of the city by the Livonian Order fleet in the Neva mouth. Neva is not of great importance. Neva connects the city with the rest of Rus’.
Massacre of Novgorod (1569-1570). Traces are not detected. Obviously, the city was abandoned and occupied by the Swedes, who used the defensive fortresses on the border. Russian-speaking Swedish subjects were so much that even Charles XI was officially mourned in Russian language [3]. Palaces and cathedrals remained abandoned for 1½ century and were buried under the five-feet layer of sand (1 cm per year). The history is deliberately silent on this.

Really, Petersburg can be easily cut off from Russia during a blockade. The Novgorod on Volkhov cannot be blocked so easy, because it is located deeper in the Russian lands.

A city and a river, on which it stands, are often have the same name. In this case, the Neva is more suited to the Novgorod, what explains the origin of name Neva.

Thus, Saint Petersburg, the successor of Veliky Novgorod, has a right to be called the Northern capital.

The German authors of the ancient Russian history and the theory of Norman origin of the Russian state, who barely knew the Russian language:

Gerhard Friedrich Müller
August Ludwig von Schlözer
Theophilus Siegfried Bayer

M.V. Lomonosov is a versatile genius scientist originated from the Slavians-Pomors. He realized himself thanks to the reforms of Peter the Great. Many documents from his personal cabinet were classified after his death [4].

The last Russian emperors were originated directly from the European house of Oldenburg. They created a foreign governmental superstructure above the Russian people, who rejected and destroyed this government in the early XX century:

Peter the Great had proclaimed the Russian Empire. The early Empire was some kind of a German colony, which is manifested in the actions of its emperors:


After the reforms of Peter the Great, the secret societies (freemasons, etc.) gradually emerged in Russia. In 1772, on the Russian land of the defeated Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, a Jewish sect Chabad was founded, which was later expelled from Russia by Stalin.

The Russian Empire in the XIX century expanded rapidly into the South (Caucasus and the Central Asia), coming into a conflict with the British Empire, which was called the "Great game".

The murder of Paul I was reasoned by a secret march into India to capture the richest British colony. This plot was organized by the British (in particular the Ambassador Whitworth) and implemented by the secret societies in Russia. This murder occured 5 days before the Jewish Passover, which simbolize the subsequent liberation of the Chabad founder Shneur Zalman from a prison.

The Order of St. John of Jerusalem or the Order of Malta is an organization, which Paul I brought into Russia after the capture of Malta by Napoleon, who fought against the Britain and tried to reach the India via the captured Egypt. Many noble Russians have become the members of this Order headed by Paul I. The Alexander I, the successor of the murdered Paul I, canceled the march into India and gradually banned this Order in Russia.

The great Napoleon's defeat in the fire of Moscow may cause some questions:

  • The affected Bely and Kitay Gorod, as well as the Kremlin beside them, was already built of the bricks in the XVIII century. The stone and brick buildings are typically burn out inside without spreading the fire around. Why Napoleon had to flee from the burning Kremlin on the burning streets?
  • According to the French prisoners of war, the 39 day stay in Moscow cost them 30,000 people[13]. Even the Borodino battle against a real enemy has killed less people. Why the army couldn’t be organized to run away from the city, even if they couldn't control it?

Comte de Ségur, an eyewitness of this fire, a son of the Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of France, writes in his memoirs[14]: “The very first night, that of the 14th, a fire-balloon had settled on the palace of Prince Trubetskoi, and consumed it: this was a signal. Fire had been immediately set to the Exchange: Russian police soldiers had been seen stirring it up with tarred lances. Here howitzer shells, perfidiously placed, had discharged themselves in the stoves of several houses, and wounded the military who crowded round them. Retiring to other quarters which were still standing, they sought fresh retreats; but when they were on the point of entering houses closely shut up and uninhabited, they had heard faint explosions within; these were succeeded by a light smoke, which immediately became thick and black, then reddish, and lastly the colour of fire, and presently the whole edifice was involved in flames. All had seen hideous-looking men, covered with rags, and women resembling furies, wandering among these flames, and completing a frightful image of the infernal regions. These wretches, intoxicated with wine and the success of their crimes, no longer took any pains to conceal themselves: they proceeded in triumph through the blazing streets; they were caught, armed with torches, assiduously striving to spread the conflagration: it was necessary to strike down their hands with sabres to oblige them to loose their hold. It was said that these banditti had been released from prison by the Russian generals for the purpose of burning Moscow; and that in fact so grand, so extreme a resolution could have been adopted only by patriotism and executed only by guilt”.

Some rhetorical questions on the above quote:

  • How many criminals are the patriots? Why they will set themselves on fire, if they are surrounded by the valuables and can escape from the city?
  • Why the ordinary grenades had exploded in the furnaces at a set time?

The next quote from the memoirs: “On entering the city, the Emperor was struck by a sight still more extraordinary: a few houses scattered among the ruins were all that was left of the mighty Moscow. The smell issuing from this colossus, overthrown, burned, and calcined, was horrible. Heaps of ashes, and at intervals, fragments of walls or half demolished pillars, were now the only vestiges that marked the site of streets”. This could happen in our time, for example, after the carpet bombing or the nuclear attack.

The Tunguska event (1908), when a ball of fire came from the sky, is a basis for new hypothesis about the fire of 1812, assuming that N. Tesla was not a pioneer of his geophysical weapon. According to this theory, the equipment for this blast must be placed somewhere in Alaska, which belonged to Russia in a face of the Russian-American company at that time. Perhaps, the mysterious HAARP was built in our time at a place like that:

Point Position Comment
North Magnetic Pole
(year 1997)
about 80° N,
about 110° W.
Magnetic declination of about 10°.
HAARP 62° N, 145° W. Inclination of the energetic parallel to the geographic parallel is 3-4° the angular distance along a parallel is about 180°.
Moscow 56° N, 38° E.

Hypothesis. The knights of Malta, as allies of the Russia, had used their secret weapon. It was later used by Tesla, who was supported by J. P. Morgan, a major weapons dealer.

The HAARP work can explain a circular cloud over Moscow in 2009.

The Napoleon, who conquered whole the continental Europe and defeated the Russian army, which were managed by an alien semi-Germanic commandership, was finally defeated by the Russian Cossacks and simple peasants. His opinion of the Cossacks: "Give me only Cossacks, and I will go with them through whole the Europe”. A peasant’s word "sharamyga" emerged when the Napoleon’s army escaped out of Russia, because the soldiers politely asked for help: "Cher ami..." (dear friend...).

The various illegal organizations had been intensified in Russia right after the defeat of Napoleon. They started with Decembrists and demanded a freedom in the spirit of the French Revolution. A. Herzen (his mother was a German), a follower of the Decembrists, was supported directly by J. Rothschild. These organizations had to fight the autocracy yet a century. The mason N.A. Morozov was a member of one of them ("Land and Liberty", "Narodnaya Volya").

According to a known theory, the two great classical writers Alexander Pushkin and Alexandre Dumas (father) are the same person.

Pushkin Dumas
1799. Birth. The dark-skinned maternal great grandfather (“Peter the Great's Negro”). The appearance of a Frenchman. 1802. Birth in a family of General. The dark-skinned paternal grandmother.
1817. He graduated a high school for the Humanities, and he spoke French perfectly.
1819. Friendship with the Decembrists.
1820. Exile into the South. Meeting with a relative of the cardinal Richelieu. Journeys. 1822. Emergence of an uneducated General’s son.
1826. Return back from the exile. 1825. First plays for a theater.
1831. Start of the archival work on the "History of Peter I", which was never finished, and published only in the XX century after the Romanov dynasty end.
1833. Poem "The Bronze Horseman". The idol is not called Peter the Great directly.
1835. Decay of the literary activity. 1835. Rising of the literary activity, including the historical.
1836. Note about “Man in the Iron Mask"[15].
1837. Murder in St. Petersburg by d’Anthes. The private funeral service in the Konyushennaya (English: “Stables”) Church, and the burial in the Pskov province (Mikhaylovskoye).
1840. Novel "The Fencing Master" about the Decembrists.
1844. Novel "The Three Musketeers" with the cardinal Richelieu.
1845. Novel «The Count of Monte Cristo» about a prisoner Dantès, who had escaped by a faked death, and changed his name.
1850. Novel «The Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later” about “Man in the Iron Mask”.
1858-1859. Travel in Russia.

Hypothesis. Pushkin in 1830's learned about Peter the Great something, which could cost him his life. Another life under the name of his literary pseudonym allowed him to avoid death.

The emperors since the Alexander I were either killed by the terrorists or allegedly died of the common cold, as Nicholas I and the hefty man Alexander III.

Alexander II, the liberator of serfs, was a friend of A. Lincoln, the liberator of African-American slaves. Alexander sended a military aid to Lincoln and spoiled the things for the British, who were on the Southern States side. The both friends were killed on the Jewish holidays.

Jewish holidays
Date Holiday Event Connection of event to holiday
02.03.1855 (18.02.1855) Purim
(–2 days)
Death of Nicholas I. Salvation of Jews from another Russian Tsar.
04.04.1866 (23.03.1866) Passover Assasination attempt of Alexander II (a friend of Lincoln). Liberation of the Jews-Democrats from the chief Republican (Yankee).
14.04.1879 (02.04.1879) Passover
13.03.1881 (01.03.1881) Purim
(–2 days)
Assasination of Alexander II. Salvation of Jews from another Russian Tsar.
13.03.1887 (01.03.1887) Purim
(+3 days)
Assasination attempt of Alexander III.

The Alaska was quietly sold to the USA shortly after the defeat in the Crimean War. The U.S. Senate was reluctant to accept this deal (Klondike was found later), and the State Alaska emerged only 100 years later. The annexation of Alaska to Canada was more reasonable, and Britain or France would have reached this, because they won in the Crimean war.

The humiliating defeat of the last Tsar Nicholas II in the Russo-Japanese war along with some economic troubles caused the events of 1905 in Russia:

Rasputin is a muzhik (a peasant) from the Tobolsk (in the Horde / Tartary), who held an extremely high position at the Royal court in the last years of the Russian monarchy. His appearance was a symptom of the crisis of the autocracy and of the Orthodox Church. He confirmed that the Greek-Roman political system and religion had a very weak base in Russia. He was killed, with a help of the British intelligence MI-6 agent Oswald Rayner, 2 days before the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, which symbolizes the cleansing from the Old Believers: "Khlysts".


  1. А.Г. Кузьмин, "Начало Руси. Тайны рождения русского народа"
  2. Бахши Иман, Гази-Барадж тарихы // Джагфар тарихы. Т.1. Оренбург 1993 г.
  3. Mauro Orbini, Il regno de gli Slavi
  4. М.В. Ломоносов, Замечания на диссертацию «О происхождении народа и имени российского»
  5. А.С. Королев, Загадки первых русских князей // гл. 5, Вече, 2002 — ISBN 5-94538-096-2
  6. А.Т. Фоменко, Г.В. Носовский, Господин Великий Новгород. С Волхова или с Волги пошла Русская земля?, 2010
  7. А.Т. Фоменко, Г.В. Носовский, Крещение Руси // гл. 2, 2006
  8. G.A. Sidorov, Esoteric-chronological analysis of the development of modern civilization. Book 1. (Ch. 8), Kont͡septual, 2011 – ISBN 978-5-901838-81-5
  9. 9.0 9.1 А.Т. Фоменко, Г.В. Носовский, Подлинная история Великой Русско-Ордынской Средневековой Империи // гл. 6, 2009
  10. Robert Payne, Nikita Romanoff, Ivan the Terrible (p.428), 2002 – ISBN 978-0-815412-29-8
  11. Isaac Massa, A Short History of the Beginnings and Origins of These Present Wars in Moscow: Under the Reign of Various Sovereigns Down to the Year 1610, University of Toronto Press — ISBN 978-0-802024-04-6.
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  13. А.Я. Булгаков, Русские и Наполеон Бонапарте. 1813 г.
  14. Ségur Philippe-Paul, History of the expedition to Russia, undertaken by the emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812
  15. А.С. Пушкин, Полное собрание сочинений (XII, 444)

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