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All the elementary particles of matter (electrons, protons, etc.), except the immaterial photons, neutrinos etc., are aetheric Hicks's vortices. At the vortex center, which is the circular beam of light, the velocity reaches the speed of light in vacuum, and the magnetic field reaches its maximum value.

The linear (non-vortical) aether motion velocity within a material particle is equal to its velocity, and it is always less than the speed of light in the surrounding medium.

The matter exists in the space of dimensionality about 3.

The extremely simplified rough model of an aetheric Hicks's vortex for a long distance \(R\) from its center assumes an infinitely thin annular vortex filament, which induce velocity by the law of Biot-Savart for hydrodynamics. This implies the following dependence of parameters on a distance \(R\):

Quantity Dependence Comment
Velocity \[v\] \[\sim\frac{1}{R}\] Velocity induced by the annular vortex filament.
Magnetic field \[B, H\] \[\sim\frac{1}{R}\] Magnetic flux is similar to the vortical flux, which is induced by the annular vortex filament.
Density of mass \[\rho\] \[\varepsilon_0 B^2\sim\frac{1}{R^2}\] This compressible flow is barotropic.
Dynamic pressure \[P\] \[\frac{\rho v^2}{2}\sim\frac{1}{R^4}\] Mechanical pressure of a rotating aether rapidly decreases with increase in \(R\), and therefore it is actual only at the micro level (the non-central nuclear forces, the van der Waals and Casimir forces).
Static pressure \[P\] \[\sim-\frac{1}{R^4}\] Bernoulli’s constant is zero for entire vortex, because the vacuum pressure is zero. The pressure exists within a vortex only, and it has a negative value.
Radial force \[\rho f\] \[\sim-\frac{1}{R^5}\] Centrifugal force is balanced by the pressure gradient force.
Electric field \[D, E\] \[\mathbf{\overrightarrow{v}}\times\mathbf{\overrightarrow{B}}\sim\frac{1}{R^2}\] It is confirmed by the Coulomb's law, which is valid for the long distances.
Charge density \[q\] \[\sim\frac{1}{R^2}\] See "Charge and Coulomb's law".
Magnetic potential \[A\] \[\frac{\rho v}{q}\approx const\]
Gravitational potential \[\varphi\] \[\sim\frac{1}{R}\] Gravitons concentration is increased with increase in \(R\), as far as the amers concentration, which produces a magnetic field and a density is decreased. See «Gravity».

A more accurate model of Hicks's vortex includes a spherical wave solution of Helmholtz equation ("Helix and spiral", 5), which is very similar to the steady-state Schrödinger equation. Assuming the similarity of velocity and magnetic flux at the small distances \(R\), this vortex is like a standing spherical electromagnetic wave (soliton) with elliptical polarization. This explains the following phenomena:

  • The wave properties of matter and the frequency dependence of a particle energy.
  • The average values of the particle magnetic and electrostatic fields are much smaller than its magnitudes. This looks like the electromagnetic field is mainly enclosed within the particles.

The mechanical interaction (except gravitational) between particles is reduced to an exchange of aetheric beams.

See also

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