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Corresponding Wikipedia article: Etruscan civilization

The Etruscans (endonym “rasenna”, “rasna”) is a people and a culture, which existed in the northern Italy (Tuscany) before its absorption by Rome. This culture became one of the foundations of the Roman culture. The lost Etruscan language, according to a historian A.D. Chertkov and an amateur philologist Tadeusz Wolanski, who is quoted by a historian E. Klassen[1], belongs to the Slavonic languages.

A small indigenous people currently lives in the Tuscany and speaks a language, which is close to the West Slavonic [2].

Some ancient Northern Italian ethnic and geographical names, which obviously have a Slavonic origin
Region Name Translation
Rome Capitolium kapishte The Capitoline Hill temple is built on a sacred place (Slavonic: kapishte) of the Sabines (see below).
neighborhood of Rome Volsci wolfishs Walachs (Vlachs) is the Old Slavonic name of Romans. Italy is called Włochy in Polish.

Symbol of Rome is a wolf.

Hernici mountaineers Mountains “Monti Ernici”.
Labici "foreheaders" A “forehead place” is a high place.
to the north-east from Rome Sabines župans Żupan is a Croatian (Southern Slavonic) ruler.
Umbri Avars Avars (Old Slavonic: Obri), who established their state to the north from the Balkans after the fall of Rome in the VI century.
Umbria Perugia (Perusia) Porussia Outskirts of Etruria.
Veneto Padua (Padova) cavity (valley) Confluence of rivers into the Venetian Lagoon.
Emilia-Romagna Ravenna flatland Сity on а plain between Alps and Apennines.
Felsina (Velzna) Veles-na Modern Bologna (from name of Baal?).
Lazio Alatri Alatyr Ancient megalithic acropolis.
Lombardy Ticino flux River in the northern Italy.

The facts about the Italian language:

  • The Northern Italian dialect differs from the southern dialect, as well as the German dialects. Germany is known to be created by occupation of the Slavonic lands.
  • The Italian words are full of vowels, and almost all of them are ended with vowels. This makes the speech musical, which is a feature of the Slavonic languages also.
  • Most of the Italian plural nouns are ended with 'i', as in the Slavonic languages.

The Tyrrhenians are some tribes, which are associated with Etruscans. Apparently, they are the Phoenician colonists from Tyre, who founded Carthage. The Etruscans knew astrology and the developed writing system (by Semitic rule, from right to left). The Etruscan alphabet became the basis for the Latin alphabet, which has the Phoenician roots. The Roman numerals have also the Etruscan origin and built on a Semitic principle: a numerical value is assigned to a letter.

Capitioline Wolf

The Renaissance featured an interest to Antiquity and particularly to the Etruscans. So a lot of artifacts of allegedly Etruscan origin had emerged. One such example is a sculpture of the Capitoline Wolf. The restorer A.M. Carruba stated. that this is a medieval fake of the antiques, which is made in the VII-VIII century or later.


  1. Е.И. Классен, Древнейшая история славян и славяно-руссов до рюриковского времени, М.: «Белые Альвы», 2008 – ISBN 5-91464-009-2
  2. Е.А. Гладилин, История Древнего Мира // Письменные источники древнейшей истории славян, 2006 – ISBN 5590280221221

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