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Corresponding Wikipedia article: Astrology


The astrology is the celestial bodies motion influence on the human life, which is based on the metaphysical (astral) properties of time.

The obvious influence is found in the usual physiological phenomena:

  • The circadian rhythm is the normal cycle of sleep and wakefulness associated with the Earth's rotation. The sleep and wakefulness come not due to the darkness and light come, but are rhythmically alternate with the Earth’s rotation frequency. The rhythm may persist despite the external stimuli and an abrupt change in the time zone. The sleep gives to a human the natural opportunity to contact with the astral plane.
  • The menstrual monthly cycle is close in frequency to the Moon rotation around Earth. The pregnancy also consists of the monthly stages.

Rotation of Earth and planets around Sun

The astrology in a conventional sense was founded in the Ancient Babylon. The sun and planets were associated with the gods, who ruled the kings and their people. So the priests explained the rulers' actions by the gods' will.

During the civilization development, the enterprising astrologers had transferred the planetary influence on the persons and another objects.

The scientific methods do not reveal a significant influence of the planets on a human life. A negligible effect is explained by the insignificant gravity fluctuations. The lack of a scientific method had produced various contradictory systems in the modern astrology.

Precession of Earth's axis

The rotation period due to the axial precession is about 25-26 thousand years. Each half-period (12-13 thousand years) is associated with the devastating cataclysms on the Earth's surface, and even the polarity shift of its magnetic field.

The Late Glacial Maximum ended 10-15 thousand years ago, and the ice melting should cause the sea level rise. The evidences of the global cataclysm, which caused the Earth's movement and the flood about 12 thousand years ago, are:

  • In the Kurdistan mountains (northern Iraq), the archaeologists explored the Shanidar Cave at an altitude of 750 meters above the sea level. An earthquake had damaged a cave and a water went into it, flushing a layer of ground, about 12 thousand years ago. The people came back into this cave only 7 thousand years ago. Perhaps, this was the biblical flood [1].
  • A Mexican scientist José García Payón found the sea coquina on the site of two huts in the Cordillera at an altitude of 5,700 meters above the sea level. The abrupt rise of this land area had occurred more than 10 thousand years ago [2].
  • The pieces of tachylite (volcanic glass) were found under water near the Azores. They had been formed in the air not earlier than 15 thousand years ago [1].
  • The permafrost in Alaska and Siberia contains a huge cemetery of the injured and frozen animals, who are mixed with the broken trees (including the fruit trees) and a volcanic ash. These cemeteries had been formed about 12 thousand years ago, probably because of the powerful water flows and the cold snap, which was produced by the dense clouds of the volcanic ash.

The Hindus and Zoroastrians believe in the cyclical epochs of human life, which are called the Maha-Yuga and Zervan-Hvadata respectively and are lasting 12 thousand years. This cycle starts with an abrupt rise followed by a gradual fall until the complete destruction of the society at the cycle end before a new cycle start. This fall decreases the physical and mental health of people, but it increases the speed of social processes.

The Mahabharata defines the spiral evolution of the Maha-Yuga with four turns (Yugas), the duration of which are in the ratio 4 : 3 : 2 : 1. The following table is based on a fact, that the last great cataclysm occurred about 12 thousand years ago, and also the idea, that the Earth's cataclysms occur between the cycles:

Yuga Duration on Mahabharata Approximate start time Description
Current Maha-Yuga
Satya (Krita) 4800 years 10 thousand years BC Mesolithic. Neolithic. A transitional period after the previous civilization destruction.
Treta 3600 years 5 thousand years BC Copper and Bronze Age. Starting of the modern industrial civilization.
Dvapara 2400 years Middle of II millennium BC Iron Age. Antiquity. Empires. Birth of the prophets and the religions creation.
Kali 1200 years End of I millennium Machine age. Modern religious states. Colonial imperialism, capitalism, communism.
Next Maha-Yuga
Satya (Krita) 4800 years Start of III millennium Apparently, the modern civilization will be almost completely destroyed to start the development again.

The appropriate algorithm of Changes "I Ching" can be built on the basis of natural Informatics. Each hexagram corresponds to a period of time. The greater the deviation from equilibrium (equality of the number of different lines) in a hexagram, the shorter is a period (equilibrium is restored faster).

Deviation Number of hexagrams Assumed period Comments
0 20 7,5 x 60 = 450 years Long periods
±1 30 1,5 x 60 = 90 years Changes between periods
±2 12 60 years
±3 2 (Qián + Kūn) 0,5 x 60 = 30 years Great Change (1985-2044)
total 64 total 208 x 60 = 12480 years

A hexagram is divided into the Trinity of the line pairs: Heaven (天), Human (人), Earth (地). Each pair can be in two equilibriums (0) and two deviations: Yin and Yang. As these equilibrium states are duplicated, the 20 equilibrium hexagrams are divided into 10 pairs of equivalent hexagrams. These pairs correspond to the long periods of 900 years and also to 10 = 4+3+2+1 parts of the Mahā-Yuga. Four of them are fully equilibrated, equivalent, and they correspond to the Satya-Yuga.

Approximate start time Long periods
(10 x 2 = 20)
Final changes
Harmony Yuga
Heaven Human Earth
10000 years BC 0 0 0 0 Full Satya
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 4+1
5500 years BC Yang Yin 0 4+1 Earth
(heavenly activity against human)
4500 years BC Yin Yang 0 4+1
3500 years BC Yin 0 Yang 4+1 Human
(Aryans heyday)
2000 years BC Yang 0 Yin 4+1 Dvapara
(prophets coming)
VI century BC 0 Yin Yang 4+1 Heaven
(religions heyday)
VIII century 0 Yang Yin 3+3
+2 (Great Change)
(men activity against Earth)

Motion of Moon

There are also less significant 400-year cycles, which divide the Maha-Yuga into approximately 30 pieces. The numbers 400 and 30 are related to the Moon. Each 400-year cycle also consists of four Yugas 160+120+80+40 years:

Start year
Cycle Yuga Events Religion
412 Early Middle Ages Migration Period, fall of Rome Christianity, Islam
812 Classical Middle Ages European kingdoms, Arab Caliphate Catholicism
1212 Late Middle Ages Mongol Empire Templars, freemasonry, reformation
1612 Modern era Satya European colonization of the world Capitalism
1772 Treta Independence of USA, Russian Empire Chabad movement
1892 Dvapara World wars, Federal Reserve System, globalization of world Liberalism, socialism
1972 Kali Abolition of the gold standard, financial crisis
2012 Satya
Assumed periods of hexagrams
Deviation Number of hexagrams Period
0 20 12 years
±1 30 5 years
±2 12 1 year
±3 2 1 year
total 64 total 404 years


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ludwik Zajdler, “Atlantida”, Orbis, 1973
  2. Горбовский, А. А. Загадки древнейшей истории : Книга гипотез / [предисл. д-ра ист. наук Г. Б. Фёдорова]. — М. : Знание, 1966. — 176 с.

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